
Stream Notes

  • SeaFilmz raided my channel with 9 viewers and hosted with 7. Thanks SeaFilmz.
  • We changed themes to Tomorrow Night Blue on VSCode because default is so default.
  • GlitchButSmol showed me the Fermats Little Theorem to test primality. See

Task Completed

  • Implment the data structure and algorithm to track words
  • Write unit tests for word tracker
  • Document methods on the word tracker class

Future work

  • Fix the _find_word_pair and _remove_word_pair redundancy. We could pop the value at that index and return word pair while also removing it from the list.
  • Split the repo into twitch-bot-py and twitch-bot-ts repos
  • Create blog post of cloud storage and load balancer experience for a static website
  • Move dev blog from cloud storage -> firebase

Future future work

  • Check out VSCode themes: palenight material (recommended by QU4K3R_), hypnos from nix theme package (recommended by GlitchButSmol)
  • Use pyaudio interactions with python chatbot
  • Text to speech for python chatbot
  • Try out Dialogflow again (TypeScript version? and/or Python version)
  • Saving stuff into Firestore (revive this)
  • Revive Discord bot