Selected the PaperMod theme because it is responsive and there is a dark theme.
Removing a theme
git rm themes/ananke/
git config --remove-section submodule.themes/ananke
Adding a theme
git submodule add themes/PaperMod
Changing theme in config.toml
After removing the theme and adding a new theme, edit the config.toml
Edit the following line to update the theme theme = 'papermod'
Task completed
- Fix Hugo theming
- Research Hugo multiple directories: ‘posts’ and ‘journal’
Future work
- Save Twitch chat code to a private repo on Github
- Research what to save on GitHub for a Hugo site
- Save Hugo site to a private repo on GitHub
- Figure out where to stage Hugo site
Useful links
- Hugo themes
- PaperMod hugo theme and demo
in yaml- convert yaml to toml